When the last 30 minutes of daylight is ticking down to the last 10 minutes of discernible shadows that's the most likely moment of impact. At least that's what I was told about 9 pound trout impacting your lure. Which isn't what happened during the last 10 minutes of my last fishing trip. Although, when you are told that that's the time your most likely to hook that big one and 5 seconds later you and a friend manage a double hookup on topwaters you kind of shit your britches a bit. Turns out it wasn't 2 nine pounders but 2 - 25" trout that together might have been more than 9 pounds. So the saying was sort of true that day. And could be sort of true on any day in the winter if your in the right spot. I think I'm getting closer to that spot, and making some pretty sweet ass memories along the way! I had a pretty good couple of trips, releasing a 5 1/2 and a 5. And landing some fish on lures I love to catch fish on. Corkeys, topwaters, and broken backs. I dont really want to get to far into this one. All I can say is..."Ive seen things".
First of the day is 26".
This one was beautiful. The picture does no justice.
next a red
then 3 casts in a row i got POUNDED. I just noticed but I had a rear treble bent the whole time. I was in such a hurry to get out there and miss the fish again that I totally overlooked that. Oh well, you would think there were enough hooks on that damn thing with just the one bent.
This fish rocked it hard.
Next day, had a lot of redfish topwater action. They weren't really eating good. But they were looking a lot. I probably had 7 or 8 fish roll on my topwater. Several I teased 4-5 times in a cast. A little frustrating but great fun!
My half of the 9lbs.
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